Method Star Chance Square Chance Reason
R/S+ Events 0/1 1/1 Event shinies are always shiny and since FRLG have had the "Fateful Encounter Mark". Any shiny with this mark will be registered as square by the game.
Gen 5- Regular Encounters 7/8 1/8 Regular Encounters use gen 5- default chance, which makes them 1/8 square.
Gen 6 Chain Fishing 15/16 1/16 Chain Fishing increases your shiny chance by rerolling the pid. It uses gen 6+ default chance, which makes it 1/16 square.
Gen 6 DexNav 15/65536 65521/65536 DexNav uses a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
Gen 6 Hordes 15/16 1/16 Hordes increase your shiny chance by doing 5 encounters at once. It uses gen 6+ default chance, which makes it 1/16 square.
Gen 6 PokeRadar Shiny Patch 15/65536 65521/65536 PokeRadar Shiny Patches use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
Gen 6 Chainless PokeRadar 15/16 1/16 Chainless PokeRadar encounters work like normal wild encounters. They use gen 6+ default chance, which makes them 1/16 square.
Gen 6 Friend Safari 15/16 1/16 Friend Safari increases your shiny chance by rerolling the pid. It uses gen 6+ default chance, which makes it 1/16 square.
Gen 6+ Masuda Method 15/16 1/16 Masuda Method increases your shiny chance by rerolling the pid. It uses gen 6+ default chance, which makes it 1/16 square.
Gen 7 SOS 15/16 1/16 SOS increases your shiny chance by rerolling the pid. It uses gen 6+ default chance, which makes it 1/16 square.
Gen 7 Non Legendary Ultra Wormholes 15/65536 65521/65536 Non Legendary Ultra Wormholes use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
VC Shinies 15/65536 65521/65536 Virtual Console shinies are always shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
LGPE Overworld Encounters 15/65536 65521/65536 LGPE Overworld Encounters use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
Gen 8 Raids 15/16 1/16 Raids use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny, but they also determine star/square shininess. They use gen 6+ default chance, which makes them 1/16 square.
Gen 8 Grass Encounters 15/65536 65521/65536 Grass Encounters use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
Gen 8 Fishing Encounters 15/65536 65521/65536 Fishing Encounters use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in square shinies a majority of the time.
Gen 8 Berry Tree Encounters 15/16 1/16 Berry Tree Encounters use gen 6+ default chance, which makes them 1/16 square.
Gen 8 Scripted Encounters 15/16 1/16 Scripted Encounters use gen 6+ default chance, which makes them 1/16 square.
Gen 8 Gifts 15/16 1/16 Gifts use gen 6+ default chance, which makes them 1/16 square.
Gen 8 Curry 15/16 1/16 Curry uses gen 6+ default chance, which makes it 1/16 square.
Gen 8 Eggs 15/16 1/16 Eggs use gen 6+ default chance, which makes them 1/16 square.
Gen 8 Dynamax Adventures 1/1 0/1 Dynamax Adventures use a seperate random number to pick whether or not a pokemon is shiny. It forces the pid to be shiny in a way that results in stars every time.
Pokemon Go 0/1 1/1 Pokemon Go transfers have the "Pokemon Go Mark". Any shiny with this mark will be registered as square by the game.